sâmbătă, 7 iulie 2018

Dracula mini-ultra (english version)

It's the first time I try to brag about an ultra. I don't even know to do it, I am a little nervous. I would love to write that this experience made me a better man, that I see the world differently, that my life changed, as I heard it often happens.

Well...not, just small variations,I'll talk about them below. Maybe it happens for the 100K.

Dean Karnazes, the mutant, said once: "If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a new life, run a marathon. If you want to talk  to God, run an ultra".
I found here about three reasons for my personal failure of the last part. Or this is not applicable to mini-ultras, or he means road races, or you really need to run the entire course not only to be in a hurry.

Leaving the mystical subject aside, allow me to point out the good organization of this race, one of the best organized races in Romania

Because I am not a hater - we all know that -, I have only a question and two recommendations.
Why on a race organized in Romania, I suppose, at the kit pick-up, to talk in english with a french? She told me to show the jacked, I showed her the cup. She told me to show the gloves I showed her the cap. Finally, I realized where she was from and I tried to show off with my french, but it was too late and I was validated anyway.
I recommend a better glue. The chip came off, a lot of people lost it. I detached mine before it came completely off and I put it in a safe place. At the finish, even I looked for it desperately, I couldn't find it. I declared it lost and I was manually registered. I explained myself that the reason for this was a poor oxygenation of my brain and I felt more relaxed. I am sure the time recording was very accurate, even it was manually done. That means the time travel is finally possible, even for 15 seconds, in the past, as a conclusion from a picture right after the finish. 
I recommend a better logistics so everyone can order the tee shirt. I understood they are very good.

The foreign language thing and the fact that only a litter over one third of the contestants was from Romania, had long time effects. When I was on the way down from Omu peak and discussing for a while with another contestant about snowfalls and running shoes, I had the genius idea to ask: "Where are you from". We continue then the discussion, fluently, in romanian. The man was wearing, as he declared, a pair of shoes - technical price - from Decathlon. He was very pleased with this pair that replaced his old 110EUR pair. He also confessed that his longest trail  so far was 11Km in Oltenia. That said, he took off on the descend and I never saw him in my life again.

The Leaville Trail 100 creator, Ken Chlouber said: "Became friend with the pain and you will be never alone". I said to myself: this is deep, I'll wait the darkest our, towards the end of the race, on the creepy Bucegi trails and I'll became friend with the grueling pain. What surprised me was the presence of pain right after the start, I even didn't get out of the castle yard. Oh men, what a shitty ultra I want to do if I even can't get out ok from the yard? Anyway, that pain passed, others came along, it was rather painful overall and no, I became no friend with the pain, even when it was at the max. As I said, for some an ultra changes their life. Me, in that period, made me to swear very much. This Kane I believe he is an asshole. I prefer to be alone all the race and pain free, I don't need such friends, thank you very much for the suggestion.

A contestant with whom I talked for a while, on the last part of the first ascent, said wisely: "You need to run a half-marathon, to drink a marathon and to eat an ultra-marathon". And another thing about a threshold above what you need to do something, but I didn't pay to much attention and I have the feeling I missed something important. I also learned that the thing is to have always something in your mouth, hungry or not. As I said, for some an ultra changes their life. Me, in that period, made me very polite. So i didn't argue. I said to myself though that is more sure to stick to my nutrition plan and I like to believe it was a good plan. As proof, I had a pretty constant and ok energy level all along the race. The man with the eating ultra, threw at some point that he makes the ultra races just to finished them in the cut off time. That panic me somehow so I moved forward.

About weather, two crucial points for me: it wasn't sunny and it wasn't windy. Otherwise, we've got, chronologically: light rain, snow, heavy rain, light rain, hazel, rain.  In the last three hours it rained continuously. I say, like the 50k winner: this kind of weather is in my advantage. For him to win, for me not to collapse. I used only two equipment pieces: the jacket and the cap. The glows would be useful too, near Omu peak, but my laisyness was big and I payed with 15 minute of hands numbness for it. Interesting enough, the lady from the kit pickup wanted to see only the jacket and the gloves. Well, it seems like she new what she was doing.

Obviously, the vampires have a special place in Dracula country. Two competitors did their homework and each carried a garlic rope on the back. I don't know if the fake garlic has the same effect on vampires. What I know is that towards the end, when I caught up with the garlic & crucifix man, who lyied in a pool of mud and was very lazy to get up, I asked him: how was the keeping away the vampires going? He told me that we are safe on this matter. As I said, for some an ultra changes their life. Me, in that period, made me very insensitive. So I let him resume his rest in the mud and I went to finish my 50k in a little over 10h30m.

Last tens of meters in the woods. I see a military that works something on a gate. I thought he is put there to let the contestants through the army yard. Eventually to throw a cheer or two, why not? I even tried a joke, thanked him for caring for us. I found a little strange his reaction, a mix of boring and irritation. The track, signaled very good, was turning hard right, just before touching the gate. I found later that some mistaken and enter in the army yard where they were arrested and interrogated. So, you have only minutes to the finish line and you find yourself suddenly detained for a couple of hours. I still hope it is just a rumor, even it semmed like fun. Although, if I'm thinking well, that soldier that I thought was there to welcome us, he had, in fact, another mission. To block the gate. This could be true.

A piece of advice: if you want to participate to a long course you find it difficult, stay at the finish line at one of the editions. It is very interesting and even touching to observe the contestants at the end. It can show a lot about what you might expect. More of that, some cheers and congratulations are welcome anytime, especially when the spectator support is minimal. I studied pretty carefully the 100k runners after the comfort of a good night sleep.In fact, this was one of my strongest points in the mental set-up for this race. The thought I will soon be asleep while other nuts will continue to run all night in the mountains, gave me wings. The common feeling of the finishers seemed to be something I never experienced, something kind of extraordinary, something I want to experience, at least one time. 

La revedere, goodbye, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen, shalom, arrivederci, tot ziens, じゃまたね, tchau, До Свидания, adios, hejdå, viszontlátásra, biệt ....

vineri, 25 mai 2018

Dracula mini-ultra

Este pentru prima oara cand incerc sa ma laud pe acest blog in urma unui ultra. Nici nu stiu exact ce se cuvine in aceasta situatie, sunt un pic timorat. Mi-ar fi placut sa scriu ca aceasta experienta m-a facut un om mai bun, ca vad lumea cu alti ochi, ca mi-a schimbat viata -  cum am tot auzit ca se intampla.

Ei bine, nu, doar mici variatii, le voi aminti mai jos. Poate la suta de kilometri.

Mutantul Dean Karnazes spunea odata:"Daca vrei sa alergi, alearga o mila. Daca vrei sa experimentez o viata diferita, alearga un maraton. Daca vrei sa vorbesti cu Dumnezeu, alearga un ultra"
Gasesc aici, vreo trei explicatii pentru esecul personal al ultimei parti. Ori nu se aplica la mini-ultrauri, ori se referea la cursele de sosea, ori trebuie chiar sa alergi integral, nu doar sa te grabesti.

Parasind subiectul mistic as dori sa remarc o buna organizare a acestui concurs, unul dintre cele mai bine organizate din Romania. Traseu bine marcat, puncte de alimentare ok, multi voluntari si fotografi.
Pentru ca nu nu sunt hater - se stie -, am doar o intrebare si doua recomandari.
De ce la o cursa organizata in Romania sunt nevoit ca la ridicarea kitului sa conversez in engleza, cu o frantuzoaica? Ea spunea sa ii arat geaca, eu ii aratam sapca. Ea spunea sa ii arat manusile, eu ii aratam cana. La un moment dat m-am prins ca e frantuzoaica si am incercat sa ma dau mare cu franceza mea, dar era cam tarziu si oricum fusesem validat.
Recomand un lipici mai bun. Cipul se desprindea de pe numar, l-au pierdut o gramada. Pe al meu, l-am desprins inainte sa cada si l-am pus bine. La sosire, desi l-am cautat disperat, nu l-am mai gasit. Am declarat ca l-am pierdut si am fost inregistrat manual. L-am gasit apoi, in alt buzunar. Mi-am explicat asta pe seama slabei oxigenari a propriului creier si apoi m-am linstit. Sunt sigur ca inregistrarea timpilor a fost foarte exacta, fie ea si manuala. Asta inseamna ca in sfarsit calatoria in timp e posibila, chiar si cu doar 15 secunde, in trecut, asa cum rezulta din poza facuta imediat dupa final.
Recomand o logistica mai buna astfel incat toata lumea sa poata comanda tricou. Au fost foarte laudate.

Treaba cu limbile straine si faptul ca doar ceva mai mult de o treime din concurentii inscrisi erau romani au avut efecte de durata mai lunga. Cand coboram de la Omu si discutam de ceva vreme cu un concurent despre ninsori si despre pantofi de alergare, am avut o sclipire sa intreb: "where are you from?". Apoi am continuat, fluent, discutia in romana. Domnul era incaltat, asa cum declarase, cu o pereche de pantofi - pret tehnic- din Decathlon, de care era foarte multumit si care inlocuia vechea lui pereche de 500 lei. De asemenea, mi s-a destainuit ca distanta lui cea mai lunga de trail de pana atunci, era una de 11km, in Oltenia. Dupa aceste marturisiri, a luat-o la goana pe coborare si nu l-am mai vazut vreodata.

Creatorul Leadville Trail 100, Ken Chlouber,  spunea: "Fa-te prieten cu durerea si nu vei mai fi niciodata singur". Mi-am zis: asta e profunda, o sa astept momentul ala de disperare, spre finalul cursei, cand voi fi  singur pe cararile intunecoase ale Bucegilor si ma voi imprieteni cu durerea chinuitoare. Ceea ce m-a surprins a fost aparitia durerii imediat dupa start, nici nu iesisem din curtea castelului. Bai nene, ma gandeam, ce naiba de ultra vreau eu sa fac daca nu pot nici macar sa ies in regula din curte? In fine, mi-a trecut asta, m-au durut altele, a fost cam dureros in general si nu, nu m-am imprietenit cu nicio durere, nici macar atnci cand a fost maxima. Cum spuneam, unora un ultra le schimba viata. Pe mine, in acea perioada, m-a facut sa injur foarte mult. Acest Ken cred ca e un cretin. Prefer sa fiu singur toata cursa si sa nu ma doara nimic, n-am nevoie de asa prieteni, multumesc frumos de sugestie.

Un concurent cu care am discutat ceva vreme pe ultima parte a primei urcari zicea intelept: "Un semi se alearga, un maraton se bea, si un ultra se mananca". Si inca un lucru despre un prag peste care trebuie neaparat sa faci ceva, dar nu am prea fost atent aici si am senzatia ca am scapat ceva important. Am mai retinut, ca ideea e sa ai mai tot timpul ceva in gura, fie ca ti-e foame fie ca nu. Cum spuneam, unora un ultra le schimba viata. Pe mine, in acea perioada, m-a facut sa fiu foarte politicos. Asa ca nu l-am contrazis. Mi-am spus insa ca ar fi mai sigur sa ma tin de propriul plan de nutritie si imi place sa cred ca imi facusem un plan bun. Dovada ca am avut un nivel de energie relativ constant si multumitor pe intreg traseul. Omul cu mancatul ultraului, a aruncat la un moment dat, in treacat, ca el face cursele de distanta lunga doar ca sa se incadreze in timpul limita. Asta m-a panicat intrucatva, asa ca in curand am luat-o mai inainte.

Despre vreme, doua puncte esentiale pentru mine: nu a fost soare si nu a fost vant. In rest am avut, in ordine: ploicica, ninsoare, ploaie torentiala, ploicica, grindina, ploaie. In ultimele trei ore cred ca a plouat incontinuu. Spun si eu, la fel cum spunea si castigatorul probei: acest tip de vreme ma avantajeaza. Pe el sa castige, pe mine sa nu lesin. Am folosit doar doua piese de echipament: geaca si sapca. Ar fi fost nevoie si de manusi pe la vf. Omu, dar lenea a fost mare si platita cu 15 minute de maini amortite. Interesant ca madame de la kituri a vrut sa vada doar geaca si manusile. Uite ca stia ce face.

Evident ca vampirii isi au un loc special in tinutul lui Dracula. Doi concurenti si-au facut temele si carau fiecare cate o funie de usturoi in spate. Nu stiu daca usturoiul fals are acelasi efect asupra vampirilor. Stiu insa, ca spre final, cand l-am ajuns din urma pe domnul cu usturoiul si crucifixul, domn care zacea intr-o balta de noroi si de unde ii era foarte lene sa se ridice, l-am intrebat: cum a mers cu speriatul vampirilor? Mi-a raspuns ca din punctul acesta de vedere suntem in siguranta. Cum spuneam, unora un ultra le schimba viata. Pe mine, in acea perioada, m-a facut sa fiu foarte nepasator. Asa ca l-am lasat sa-si continue odihna in balta de noroi si m-am dus sa-mi termin cei 50 km in mai bine de 10 ore jumatate.

Ultimii zeci de metri prin padure. Vad in fata un militar care bibilea ceva la o poarta. M-am gandit ca omul este pus acolo ca sa lase concurentii prin ograda armatei. Eventual sa arunce si o incurajare, de ce nu? Am incercat si o gluma, multumindu-i pentru grija purtata. Mi s-a parut un pic ciudata reactia lui, un amestec de plictiseala si iritare. Traseul - bine marcat - o cotea brusc la dreapta, inainte sa impunga poarta. Am aflat ulterior ca mai multi concurenti au gresit si au intrat in unitate, unde au fost retinuti si interogati. Asadar, mai ai cateva minute pana la final, dupa o zi intreaga de mers pe munte si te trezesti arestat inca vreo ora-doua. Sper ca a fost doar un zvon nefondat, chiar daca poate parea amuzant. Desi, daca stau sa ma gandesc mai bine, soldatul acela care credeam ca este pus sa ne intampine, avea, de fapt, misiunea sa blocheze poarta. Pare plauzibil. 

Un sfat: daca vreti sa participati la o cursa lunga, care vi se pare dificila, stati la finalul unei editii. Este foarte interesant si chiar emotionant sa observi concurentii la linia de sosire. Poate spune multe despre ceea ce te va astepta cand vei concura. In plus, niste incurajari si felicitari sunt oricand binevenite, mai ales ca sustinerea spectatorilor mi s-a parut minimala. Am studiat destul de atent pe multi dintre cei de la 100km, asta dupa confortul unei nopti dormite pentru mine. Acesta a fost de altfel un punct forte in setarea mentala pentru aceasta cursa. Faptul ca eu ma voi culca in curand in timp ce alti nebuni vor continua sa se miste toata noaptea pe munti, mi-a dat aripi. Pe principiul neelegant, dar omenesc, al raului altuia. Trairea comuna a celor care terminau mi s-a parut a fi ceva de care eu nu am avut parte pana acum, ceva spre minunat as spune, ceva ce mi-as dori sa experimentez macar o data. Asa i-am vazut si pe Mihai cu Alex, foarte emotionati si ei. Pe Petrica nu l-am prins, el sosind mult prea devreme, fiind, se stie, in alta clasa. Felicitari tuturor!

Afluenta de straini din aceasta cursa ma obliga sa traduc aceasta postare si in engleza, fara sa sa se strice si mai mult. Lucru care constitue adevarata provocare a acestui ultra.

La revedere, goodbye, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen, shalom, arrivederci, tot ziens, じゃまたね, tchau, До Свидания, adios, hejdå, viszontlátásra, biệt ....